The Danube basin is one of the most diverse river basins in the world, in the sense that it is shared by 17 countries with different cultural, social and economic backgrounds. It is the first time that a basin-wide methodology and modelling system for surface and groundwater accounting will be developed in cooperation with many countries in the Danube River Basin, which will also help to better address water quantity and water management challenges through a common understanding of the water balance of the Danube Basin.
Main Goal
Development of a harmonized water balance modelling system for the Danube River Basin
The series of extreme weather-hydrological situations in recent years have highlighted the need for internationally agreed common hydrological monitoring, data management and a modern hydrological model agreed upon by the Danube countries. The Danube River Basin Water Balance project aims to contribute to sustainable, integrated, international water management in the Danube countries. The tangible novelty of the developed project proposal is the long overdue common water balance calculation methodology for the whole Danube basin, which will be tested in transboundary sub-basins for different climate scenarios, combined with expert capacity building.
The proposed work provides several forward-looking responses to the challenges of the current international water management situation:
to create a basis for common data management for water balance, rather than data collected and stored using different methodologies in the Danube River basin countries;
a new common water balance model for the whole river basin, instead of different national calculation and modelling methods;
quantifying the water balance of the Danube basin for the recent past using dynamic, distributed parameter (cell-based) simulations;
more detailed analyses on four selected sub-basins (Morava, Tisza, Upper Sava, Drina) with different climate scenarios to test and mutually accept the new calculation method;
Thanks to the above, the results of the project will significantly support river basin management planning and the implementation of a number of related water-environment strategies and initiatives.
Added value
The main results of the project cover three areas:
Improved data management that can support other environmental analysis besides water balance calculations (open access data and tools, new data management strategy for the future),
configuration of a state-of-the-art open source, surface-groundwater distributed parametric water balance model (coupled CWatM-MODFLOW) for the Danube River Basin, full implementation of a reliable modelling process with calibration-validation and sensitivity analysis on point and spatial data fields
developed water balance scenarios for the Danube River Basin and four selected international sub-basins.

The project puts a strong emphasis on sector stakeholder involvement and capacity building. This is demonstrated by the fact that the applicant consortium, which covers many countries of the Danube River Basin, consists of 19 participating-implementing partners and 12 other involved partner institution. In addition to the implementation of basic technical data management and modelling steps, a number of online and on-site practical trainings are planned. These will enable the participants involved - not only from the water management sector - to learn about the project results and to learn to use the developed data system and computational procedures in varying degrees of depth, depending on their willingness and skills. A network of researchers and experts is also planned to support mutual knowledge sharing. This participatory and joint problem-solving approach will ensure that water management experts, universities, research institutes and all stakeholders can benefit from the results of the project. The broad partnership and the deep commitment of the expert network will also help to harmonize other ongoing environmental initiatives within the Danube basin with other project partners (International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River Basin - ICPDR, UNESCO International Hydrological Programme - IHP/Danube, waterways and transport, and nature conservation) through consultations.
Project Partners
General Directorate of Water Management (OVF), Hungary
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary
Vienna University of Technology (TUW), Austria
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria
Brno University of Technology (BUT), Czech Republic
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STUBA), Slovakia
Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO), Slovenia
Croatian Waters (CW), Croatia
Institute for Water Management (ZZV), Bosnia and Herzegovina
University of Sarajevo (UNSA), Bosnia and Herzegovina
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad (UNSFA), Serbia
Jaroslav Černi Water Institute (JCWI), Serbia
Public Water Management Company „Srbijavode“ (PWMC SV), Serbia
National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (NIHWM), Romania
National Administration Romanian Waters (NARW), Romania
National Meteorological Administration (ANM), Romania
Executive Agency "Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River (EAEMDR), Bulgaria
National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH-BG), Bulgaria
Bulgarian Water Association (BWA), Bulgaria
Associated Strategic Partners
International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR), Austria
Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management, Austria
Bavarian State Ministry of the environment and consumer protection, Department Water Management (BayStMUV), Deutschland
Ministry of Interior (MoI), Hungary
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary (MFAT), Hungary
Sava River Watershed Agency (AVP), Bosnia and Hercegovina
Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMI), Slovakia
Water Research Institute (VUVH), Slovakia
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI), Czech Republic
Republic hydrometeorological service of Serbia (RHMSS), Serbia
Public Water Management company “Vode Vojvodine” (JVP VV), Serbia
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Montenegro
This project is supported by the Interreg Danube Region Programme co-funded by the European Union.
Project budget: 3 028 319,50 €
Interreg funds: 2 422 655, 60 €
Budget for BME: 195 877,50 €
Project duration: 01/01/2024 – 06/30/2026
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